
Me & the site

About Me

I'm André Vieira, a data scientist and R-Shiny consultant passionate about building web apps to better communicate data-driven findings. I'm a PhD candidate in Sociology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, working on modeling social inequalities and mobility.

The projects page is a nice place to see some of my work, but you can also see my resume. Programming R on a daily basis, and Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript when I need. Feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss potential projects.

What I Do

Machine Learning modeling

Use machine learning techniques, with a focus on regression and classification, to automatically identify patterns in your data and make better predictions.

Shiny Apps & Analytics Dashboards

Communicating empirical findinds is really about telling a good story. Strong and relevant illustrations have the power to make analysis clear and drive home your message.

Expert R & Shiny training

There is no single way of understanding the world. And no approach is perfect. I enjoy teaching how sociology can help us understand how things really work.

Code Review & Optimization

Science is necessarily a collective undertaking. And I've learned a lot by working with other people. Code reviewing and optimization is a fundamental part of that.

About This Site

This site is powered by Jekyll using a custom Strange Case theme. The template was larlegy inspired by Joshua Kunst website.

The R blog posts are compiled with knitr R markdown using this script. You can find the reproducible sources of each blog post here.